Address by GH Darwin

It is interesting that this noted astronomer and gifted mathematician of the Victorian era proved that the weather is not controlled by the moon. …

Address by GH Darwin (noted astronomer and gifted mathematician of the Victorian era) delivered before the International Congress of Mathematicians at Cambridge in 1912)

(I converted this text from a PDF with the unfortunate habit of munging words with the letter F in them. If I missed any corrections out, you will know how to mind wipe them.)

Four years ago at our Conference at Rome the Cambridge Philosophical Society did itself the honour of inviting the International Congress of Mathematicians to hold its next meeting at Cambridge. And now I, as President of the Society, have the pleasure of making you welcome here. I shall leave it to the Vice-Chancellor, who will speak after me, to express the feeling of the University as a whole on this occasion and I shall confine myself to my proper duty as the representative of our Scientific Society.

The Science of Mathematics is now so wide and is already so much specialised that it may be doubted whether there exists to-day any man fully competent to understand mathematical research in all its many diverse branches. I, at least, feel how profoundly ill-equipped I am to represent our Society as regards all that vast field of knowledge which we classify as pure mathematics. I must tell you frankly that when I gaze on some of the papers written by men in this room I feel myself much in the same position as if they were written in Sanskrit.

But if there is any place in the world in which so one-sided a President of the body which has the honour to bid you welcome is not wholly out of place it is perhaps Cambridge. It is true that there have been in the past at Cambridge great pure mathematicians such as Cayley and Sylvester, but we surely may claim without undue boasting that our University has played a conspicuous part in the advance of applied mathematics.

Newton was a glory to all mankind, yet we Cambridge men are proud that fate ordained that he should have been Lucasian Professor here. But as regards the part played by Cambridge I refer rather to the men of the last hundred years, such as Airy, Adams, Maxwell, Stokes, Kelvin and other lesser lights, who have marked out the lines of research in applied mathematics as studied in this University. Then too there are others such as our Chancellor, Lord Rayleigh, who are happily still with us.

Up to a few weeks ago there was one man who alone of all mathematicians might have occupied the place which I hold without misgivings as to his fitness; I mean Henri Poincare. It was at Rome just four years ago that the first dark shadow fell on us of that illness which has now terminated so fatally. You all remember the dismay which fell on us when the word passed from man to man "Poincare is ill."

We had hoped that we might again have heard from his mouth some such luminous address as that which he gave at Rome; but it was not to be and the loss of France in his death affects the whole world.

It was in 1900 that, as president of the Royal Astronomical Society, I had the privilege of handing to Poincare the medal of the Society and I then attempted to give an appreciation of his work on the theory of the tides, on figures of equilibrium of rotating fluid and on the problem of the three bodies.

Again in the preface to the third volume of my collected papers I ventured to describe him as my patron Saint as regards the papers contained in that volume. It brings vividly home to me how great a man he was when I reflect that to one incompetent to appreciate fully one half of his work yet he appears as a star of the first magnitude.

It affords an interesting study to attempt to analyze the difference in the textures of the minds of pure and applied mathematicians. I think that I shall not be doing wrong to the reputation of the psychologists of half a century ago when I say that they thought that when they had successfully analyzed the way in which their own minds work they had solved the problem before them.

But it was Sir Francis Galton who shewed that such a view is erroneous. He pointed out that for many men, visual images form the most potent apparatus of thought, but that for others this is not the case. Such visual images are often quaint and illogical, being probably often founded on infantile impressions, but they form the wheels of the clockwork of many minds.

The pure geometrician must be a man who is endowed with great powers of visualisation and this view is confirmed by my recollection of the difficulty of attaining to clear conceptions of the geometry of space until practice in the art of visualisation had enabled one to picture clearly the relationship of lines and surfaces to one another.

The pure analyst probably relies far less on visual images, or at least his pictures are not of a geometrical character. I suspect that the mathematician will drift naturally to one branch or another of our science according to the texture of his mind and the nature of the mechanism by which he works.

I wish Galton, who died but recently, could have been here to collect from the great mathematicians now assembled, an introspective account of the way in which their minds work. One would like to know whether students of the theory of groups picture to themselves little groups of dots; or are they sheep grazing in a field?

Do those who work at the theory of numbers associate colour, or good or bad characters with the lower ordinal numbers and what are the shapes of the curves in which the successive numbers are arranged?

What I have just said will appear pure nonsense to some in this room, others will be recalling what they see and perhaps some will now for the first time be conscious of their own visual images.

The minds of pure and applied mathematicians probably also tend to differ from one another in the sense of aesthetic beauty. Poincare has well remarked in his Science et Methode (p. 57):

"On peut s'etonner de voir invoquer la sensibilite apropos de demonstrations
mathematiques qui, semble-t-il, ne peuvent interesser que
l'intelligence. Ce serait oublier le sentiment de la beaute mathematique, de
l'harmonie des nombres et des formes, del' elegance geometrique. C'est un
vrai sentiment esthetique que tous les vrais mathematiciens connaissent.
Et c'est bien la de la sensibilite."

And again he writes:

"Les combinaisons utiles, ce sont precisement les plus belles, je veux
dire celles qui peuvent le mieux charmer cette sensibilite speciale que tous
les mathematiciens connaissent, mais que les profanes ignorent au point
qu'ils sont souvent tentes d'en sourire."

Of course there is every gradation from one class of mind to the other and in some, the aesthetic sense is dominant and in others subordinate.

In this connection I would remark on the extraordinary psychological interest of Poincare's account, in the chapter from which I have already quoted, of the manner in which he proceeded in attacking a mathematical problem. He describes the unconscious working of the mind, so that his conclusions appeared to his conscious self as revelations from another world.

I suspect that we have all been aware of something of the same sort and like Poincare have also found that the revelations were not always to be trusted.

Both the pure and the applied mathematician are in search of truth but the former seeks truth in itself and the latter truths about the universe in which we live. To some men abstract truth has the greater charm, to others the interest in our universe is dominant. In both fields there is room for indefinite advance; but while in pure mathematics every new discovery is a gain, in applied mathematics it is not always easy to find the direction in which progress can be made, because the selection of the conditions essential to the problem presents a preliminary task and afterwards there arise the purely mathematical difficulties.

Thus it appears to me at least, that it is easier to find a field for advantageous research in pure [rather] than in applied mathematics. Of course if we regard an investigation in applied mathematics as an exercise in analysis, the correct selection of the essential conditions is immaterial; but if the choice has been wrong, the results lose almost all their interest.

I may illustrate what I mean by reference to Lord Kelvin's celebrated investigation as to the cooling of the earth. He was not and could not be aware of the radio-activity of the materials of which the earth is formed and I think it is now generally acknowledged that the conclusions which he deduced as to the age of the earth cannot be maintained; yet the mathematical investigation remains intact.

The appropriate formulation of the problem to be solved is one of the greatest difficulties which beset the applied mathematician and when he has [he has] attained to a true insight but too often there remains the fact that his problem is beyond the reach of mathematical solution.

To the layman the problem of the three bodies seems so simple that he is surprised to learn that it cannot be solved completely and yet we know what prodigies of mathematical skill have been bestowed on it. My own work on the subject cannot be said to involve any such skill at all, unless indeed you describe as skill the procedure of a housebreaker who blows in a safe door with dynamite instead of picking the lock. It is thus by brute force that this tantalising problem has been compelled to give up some few of its secrets and great as has been the labour involved.

I think it has been worth while. Perhaps this work too has done something to encourage others such as St ormer to similar tasks as in the computation of the orbits of electrons in the neighbourhood of the earth, thus affording an explanation of some of the phenomena of the aurora borealis. To put at their lowest the claims of this clumsy method, which may almost excite the derision of the pure mathematician, it has served to throw light on the celebrated generalisations of Hill and Poincare.

I appeal then for mercy to the applied mathematician and would ask you to consider in a kindly spirit the dificulties under which he labours. If our methods are often wanting in elegance and do but little to satisfy that aesthetic sense of which I spoke before, yet they are honest attempts to unravel the secrets of the universe in which we live.

We are met here to consider mathematical science in all its branches. Specialisation has become a necessity of modern work and the intercourse which will take place between us in the course of this week will serve to promote some measure of comprehension of the work which is being carried on in other fields than our own. The papers and lectures which you will hear will serve towards this end, but perhaps the personal conversations outside the regular meetings may prove even more useful.

The Project Gutenberg ebook #35588


4 thoughts on “Address by GH Darwin

  1. Precis of the above essay by George Darwin:The Science of Mathematics is now so wide and specialised it is doubtful any man fully understands all mathematical research. Up to a few weeks ago there was one who might have: Henri Poincare.His work on the theory of the tides, on equilibrium of rotating fluid and on the problem of the "three bodies" made him a star of the first magnitude.Geometricians must have great powers of visualisation, I [Darwin] couldn't visualise the geometry of space until I practiced the art of picturing the relationship of lines and surfaces to one another.I suspect any mathematician will drift to a branch maths according to the way his brain works. But it takes all sorts to make a science. Consider Poincare's account of the manner in which he solved a mathematical problem. His conclusions appeared in hind-sight as revelations from another world.I suspect that we have all been aware of something like that.But like Poincare, found the revelations were not always to be trusted. For instance Lord Kelvin [ brilliant researcher of the era] investigated the cooling of the earth, unaware of radio-activity.Thus his though his maths weren't wrong; the results were.Finding the right formulas for the problem to be solved is one of the greatest difficulties for the applied mathematician. Even when he has attained a true insight, it often happens that the problem is beyond solution.To the layman the problem of the three bodies [Earth, Sun and Moon] seems so simple that he is surprised to learn that it cannot be solved.We know what prodigies of mathematical skill have been bestowed on it. It is by brute force that this tantalising problem has been compelled to give up some of its secrets. My clumsy method has thrown light on the generalisations of Hill and Poincare. If our methods lack elegance, they are honest attempts to unravel the secrets of the universe in which we live.

  2. A little easier to follow if you are that way inclined.My point is that GH Darwin struggled to find the relationship with the moon and the ocean tides. In his discourse on the three body problem he left tantalising insights into further failures.I am not capable of following the maths, I am just reading between the lines of the remarks he put into his papers* on the subject:*The one paper I skimmed over, that is)

  3. Just to give an impression of the difficulty involved in forecasting the position of the moon I snipped this out of an introduction:

    In 1877 the two classical memoirs of G. W. Hill on the motion of the moon were published. The first of these, Researches in the Lunar Tlieory, contains so much of a pioneer character that in writing of any later work on celestial mechanics it is impossible to dismiss it with a mere notice. One portion is directly concerned with a possible mode of development of the lunar theory and the completion of the first step, in the process. The usual 1 Astrophysical Journal, March, 1914. SIR GEORGE DARWIN 11 method of procedure has been to consider the problem of three bodies as an extension of the case of two bodies in which the motion of one round the other is elliptic. Hill, following a suggestion of Euler which had been worked out by the latter in some detail, starts to treat the problem as a very special particular case of the problem of three bodies. One of them, the earth, is of finite mass ; the second, the sun, is of infinite mass and at an infinite distance but is revolving round the former with a finite and constant angular velocity. The third, the moon, is of infinitesimal mass, but moves at a finite distance from the earth. Stated in this way, the problem of the moon's motion appears to bear no resemblance to reality.

    As if the Dickensian language isn't bad enough, converting text like this relies on reliable optical recognition of old print. It is almost always a shambles due to type adjustments and the habit of changing fonts etc.A lot of the problem was from printers making the text fit the page also because of a style in those days of using different fonts to emphasize quotes and ideas etc.But with all the above problems faced by the mathematician, forget the printing, that was just something annoying me…With the degree of difficulty involved in placing the moon in its orbit, how can someone who can't possibly know anything about stuff like the magnetosphere and the outer atmosphere, claim to know there is no connection between the moon and the weather?For it is the comments made by the mathematicians and astronomers of that gloomy age that has shadowed all scientific research on the subject since then.You might find maths on the three body problem in one of these papers: I am trying to get across is that a fairly minor adjustment in the lunar track in a period of three or four days, concerns billions of tons of matter.

  4. Poincare' came up with some maths that circumvented the huge parcels of calculis that is required for resolving in order to produce nautical almanacs.Nautical almanacs were invented in the middle of the 18th century so that mariners could work out their distance from the Greenwich meridian.Captain Cook famously tested one on his exploration of the Pacific.Compiling them was indeed "prodigies of mathematical skill" and very few people were capable of making them accurately. And certainly not quickly.Poincare came up with short cuts that allowed an accuracy of half a degree over 20 years. That is, the alamanac would only be wrong by the width of the diameter of the moon in 20 years.So a few volumes could be printed in advance with only minor corrections needed. And these could be supplied as a leaflet in time for the year specified.Today the time between printing and delivery allows enough error so that corrections, filling part of a page, can be slipped into the book prior to delivery.If you copy the ephemeris here for 2012 and 2003, you will find small changes made by the time the events occur.These will be corrections in the time of a phase of as little as 2 or 3 minutes. But that two or three minutes is a great deal of force when it relates to the weight of the moon.If you had to set up a giant rocket engine on the side of the moon to get it to catch up or move back, you would need to power it with all the explosives the earth had ever produced -and then some.

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